Hello Everyone!

This year CM1 will be working, playing and singing in English with Karen. Our corresponding school is Turnfurlong Junior school in Aylesbury, England, we will be doing projects with them, exchanging ideas and games. We will be talking about Turnfurlong Junior School, England, The United Kingdom, America and Australia before Christmas!

Please encourage your child to speak and listen to English every day!

It’s going to be a GREAT YEAR!


Crafts and learning

Hello everyone,

Today was a rather busy day. We had loads of fun and worked on verbs by making a cool film strip. We revised the verb to be, have and possession. We sang a wee bit . Our song is « The Belle of Belfast City ». We did a lot of independent work and we helped each other and that made our teacher very proud of us despite us being very chatty!

We had a book sale! We were responsible for selling the books and handling the money. It is going to help us finance our trip to a medieval castle.

Whoops! We’re back!

Sorry! Our English teacher forgot to update our blog because we were so studious last week. We worked very hard on the « town » and we created amazing maps and we also spoke a lot …. We worked really well I n little groups and we learned a new song called the Belle of Belfast City.

My city

Hello there,

We hope you had a lovely holiday and we’re glad to be back!

Today we worked on creating our own class rules using « must ». We then started working on parts of the city. Our teacher had us working two by two and asking each other questions about what we could do in different parts of a city. She then had us present this to the class 😀

We then played battleships with the vocab words! We created our own grids and had so much fun!

we even started creating our own maps !